June 20, 2020
by Ismail Rifaat
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Update and an interesting book to read

Since I wrote last, issues relating to President Trump’s Presidency have been exacerbated day after day. His “deeds” continue to be praised by media entities such as Fox News, and presented as “misdeeds” by others such as CNN. There is not much to add other than confessing that I side with the progressive group, and suggesting some action to cope with the Trump issue.  

Political analysts indicate that 28% of the electorate are staunch supports of Trump, that nothing can be done to sway them, and that they are not going away; I agree, albeit, go away they eventually will since they are mortal like the restThose who say http://www.devensec.com/maps/devens_viewshed.pdf purchase viagra online that generic drugs are counterfeit meds are misleading people for their own benefit. of us, and hopefully their offspring will be better educated. The analysts also indicate that 35-38% of the electorate are undecided voters who could be swayed one way or the other; the remaining percentage of the electorate are presumed to vote Democratic.…

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July 6, 2019
by Ismail Rifaat
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Early in June, this site was inadvertently erased. It was partially restored but remained bungled for several weeks; apologies to those who tried to visit the site at that time. I maintained the site for over a decade, and it has attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors over the years. I also authored the four books featured on the site. My main intent has been, and remains to be, to introduce the concept of tychiformation, and to promote relevant progressive views that would hopefully affect our survival and well being. I believe that the most critical of global issues including wars, terrorism, the degradation of the environment, and poverty relate to the action of certain oligarchs and to the gullibility of conservative, nationalist, and fanatic religious factions of the world population who fall for their propaganda, disinformation, and lies. For example, the grave issues relating to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent report and statements, together with allegations that the Trump Organization received hundreds of millions of investment dollars from Russian sources in the past few years suggest that president Trump was being groomed by President Putin to become a Russian puppet; by first extending investment funds to the Trump Organization, and then by interfering with US elections in support of candidate Trump.…

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October 17, 2017
by Ismail Rifaat
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A call for rigorous tychiformation

Like MLK, “I have a dream”. MLK’s dream was to rectify the status of African American citizens in the USA; a dream that has been largely, though not completely fulfilled. My dream has been, and continues to be, to do whatever I can to “optimize the chances of everybody’s survival and wellbeing”; irrespective of color, nationality, or creed. While my dream -shared by many- is considerably more ambitious, I am convinced that it is neither fundamentally implausible, nor totally impracticable. It simply requires the mobilization of considerable resources, and is likely to take decades to accomplish a measure of success. Above all, prerequisite efforts need to be focused, thoroughly structured, and continuous.

As I have repeatedly expressed in my books and on this website, I never dreamt of solving the problems of the world on my own. In fact, I defined the kinds of entities that could be involved in the pursuit of my dream, such as the UN, benevolent philanthropists, and academic institutions, and did call for others to be involved, both in my writing and by directly approaching some such entities.…

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August 26, 2017
by Ismail Rifaat
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Tychiformation as “Neo-Enlightenment”

I recently corresponded with my dear friend Jeff Stevenson; an astute intellectual colleague. Jeff, who is familiar with my work, made an interesting observation that got me thinking. Citing the Enlightenment Movement of yore, he indicated that tychiformation perhaps reflects a contemporary parallel, which he dubs “Neo-Enlightenment”; he meant this in a positive sense, contrary to an earlier usage of the term to designate a counter enlightenment movement, also referred to as “Dark-Enlightenment”, or as Jeff labels it “Endarkenment”. Jeff cited contemporary political and societal ills, and pointed out the role of “Neo-Enlightenment” in addressing them.

The Enlightenment Movement, also referred to as “The Age of Reason”, was widely popular in Europe in the eighteenth century. It promoted personal liberty, tolerance, freedom of religion, and the separation of church and religion; among many other progressive doctrines. Most notably, the movement promoted reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy.

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July 31, 2017
by Ismail Rifaat
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A Possible Blessing in Disguise!?

The election of Mr. Trump as president about eight months ago, spurred the media on TV and news papers to engage in analyzing this unexpected development, expressing either elation or lamentation about his election. After six months of his assuming power, the con voices seem to be overwhelming the pro faction supporting the president, and the con camp seems to be continuously gaining more ground in negatively painting his actions; as amply demonstrated in recent polls of his presidency.

Many of the President’s detractors dwell on criticizing his unorthodox style in conducting state affairs; which is in fact appreciated by his followers. Others deride his position regarding global environmental and trade issues. Others yet are concerned about his promise to ‘make America great again’ by increasing ‘defense’ spending, cutting the government’s contributions to heath care, and reducing taxes on corporations and the wealthiest of Americans.

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April 27, 2017
by Ismail Rifaat
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The content of the site was edited and reorganized to better explain the evolution and intent of tychiformation.  

Also, the site was initially conceived to allow interactive communication about global issues in democratic fashion as envisioned in my first book. Due to limited resources, this ambitious idea was abandoned. However, a link to communicate with me -below my photo on the top left- has been now provided for interested visitors who wish to participate in the discussion of the topics presented on the site. Links to social media, will be soon added as well to spread the word.

How come update now!? The site expresses views recognized as “progressive”. They promote globalization and working together to attain common goals. For some years we seemed to be moving in progressive directions. Alas however, the word “progressive” and what it denotes have recently fallen out of favor internationally, in the UK, the US, France and around the world, whereby sentiments are moving in an opposite conservative direction; for example, compare the Obama administration with the current administration of President Trump!

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