The Implementation of Tychiformation

When I conceived the idea that I dubbed “tychiformation” over two decades ago, I wrote my first book with the same title. The book explained the concept and contemplated how it could be implemented; which involved the participation of various scholars. Since then, I did what I could do on my own by writing four books promoting rational progressive thought. More recently, I felt that it is high time to seriously pursue the implementation of tychiformation as initially conceived, and prepared a proposal to establish The Center for Tychiformation Studies (TCFTS) to achieve this end. I’ll start by explaining the need for action.

Over the millennia, human conditions have gone through numerous phases of improvements and setbacks. On the whole though, the human predicament has generally improved with time; this is evidenced by the growth of the population. Accordingly, one could assume that progress would continue without the need for organized interference with prevailing conditions.

However, recent scientific knowledge revealed previously unknown existential threats to survival, and even population growth itself is now damaging the Earth’s environment that sustains life. In addition, the number of people who suffer from poor living conditions is now in the billions who need help. Although research and action to address relevant issues is underway, current efforts are not carried out in an organized and coherent manner. My work indicates that numerous vital issues are not being addressed in a manner commensurate with the extent of their criticality, and therefore, require additional attention. Furthermore, opposite positions are being held in respect of certain significant societal issues. The conflicting positions need to be addressed, and hopefully, be sorted out one way or the other.

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Accordingly, TCFTS aims to streamline our efforts to avert potential setbacks and to improve our chances for survival and wellbeing. It is intended to guide public opinion and policy makers by:

  • Identifying the threats to human survival and wellbeing and ranking the extent of their criticality to establish priorities for action.
  • Researching and rigorously addressing the identified priority critical threats based on scientific and factual information and deductive reasoning.
  • Soliciting appropriate entities to participate in tychiformation and coordinating and integrating their inputs.  
  • Periodically publishing TCFTS’s conclusions and seeking public feedback. 

Dissemination of the project’s findings is anticipated to influence public opinion, and to guide both governmental and private institutions’ action in funding relevant research and implementing pertinent projects. This would expedite progress in addressing the human condition.

Author: Ismail Rifaat

Ismail Rifaat is an architect and urban planner with extensive international experience in architecture and city planning. He also served as planning expert on two United Nations assignments. He is the author of "Shaping the Future: For the People, By The People" and "Planning for Survival". Both titles are available on