Consider Before You Vote

October 27, 2012

Most of you who will visit this site between now and Election Day are likely to have either already voted, or have made up their minds about how to vote. Following are some suggestions that might help those who are undecided to settle on which way to go.

If you have the wherewithal to buy, and the time to read the 62 pages of “Shaping the Future, etc.” featured to the right, it will help you make up your mind, since the book lists the most critical issues that are plaguing us, and reveals who caused our problems. Otherwise, I will advise on the most crucial of issues that you may wish to consider before casting your vote. I propose that you be wary of, and refrain from electing:

  1. Candidates who aver to boost our military power by augmenting military spending: we are already the most powerful nation on earth by a long shot; those who promote increasing spending on the military in any shape or form have ulterior motives. We should cut military spending and redirect saved resources to badly needed domestic causes such as building infrastructure, and hiring teachers for example, thus, reducing unemployment.
  2. Candidates who insist on balancing the budget: while balancing the budget is a worthy cause, this is not the appropriate time to do so under the present economic conditions that are plaguing a great majority of citizens. Many reputable economists have made the case for that.
  3. In creating these oral and topical formulations, has created a technique that’s exclusive in style and (online levitra) efficiency.

  4. Candidates who resist increasing the taxes of corporations and the wealthiest Americans: many reputable economists have made the case that they should be increased.
  5. Candidates who focus on religious issues: they are trying to distract you from considering critical issues such as those cited above.

I confess that I hold progressive views. I wish that the Presidential candidate of the Justice Party Rocky Anderson had a fighting chance, I would have definitely voted for him. Alas, this is not the case.

I did cast my vote, and urge you to vote as you see fit.