A Message to the Libyan and Egyptian People: Food for Thought!

March 10, 2011

The events that are unfolding in Libya call for swift action to stop Gaddafi from massacring more Libyans; Libyans that he claims “love him”. The question is: what sort of action, and by whom?

Over the years, the US has demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt that its ulterior imperial motives impel its action in the region. Accordingly, one needs to be wary of US overtures to addressing current developments in Libya, and in the ME in general. For example, senators McCain and Lieberman who were first in proposing the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya are known ardent supporters of Israel. They probably received their instructions to promote the no-fly zone after consulting with the Israeli government; they stopped in Israel before flying to visit Egypt. Furthermore, US major construction companies are probably busy promoting the destruction of Libya’s infrastructure assets as required to affecting the no-fly zone in order to create business opportunities to rebuild these assets; they have conspired to affect such action in Iraq and elsewhere in the world! Therefore, US intervention may be encouraged for humanitarian purposes, but must be ruled out beyond that measure.

There is talk now about the US urging the Saudis to airlift military supplies to Benghazi. It is no secret that the Saudi monarchy is not sympathetic with Gaddafi. The Saudis though may or may not oblige the USA. At any rate, the Saudis are closely allied with the US. For this reason alone, one needs to be apprehensive about involving the Saudis in the Libyan conflict.

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Well then, who else is in a position to lend assistance to the Libyan people? Certainly, the United Nations is in a position to do so. However, the UN’s action can be expected to be sluggish, as different nations with differing agendas attempt to agree on a course of action. From past experience, the Arab League of Nation, which could also offer help, is likely to be even more sluggish in reaching agreement about taking meaningful action. Therefore, due to the dire need for urgent action in Libya, I am led to entertain the following scenario.

It seems that roughly a million Egyptian workers are still trying to leave Libya. The Egyptian government is doing what it can to help them. The Egyptian army could assume a more proactive role in achieving that by obtaining Libya’s interim government’s approval to send Egyptian forces inside Libya to facilitate the evacuation of Egyptian workers. More importantly, Libyan rebels may welcome the prospect of the Egyptian armed forces lending assistance to their efforts to oust Gaddafi. To my mind, Egyptian military intervention would be the most expeditious way to getting rid of Gaddafi. The relatively formidable Egyptian army is nearby across the border. Furthermore, I suspect that the prospect of the Egyptian army’s potential involvement alone would send Gaddafi and his family fleeing Libya without further bloodshed.

I am a bit baffled about the fact that what seems to me to be an obvious option for action is not being considered by the main parties involved, namely the Libyan and Egyptian people. In the first place, the Libyan people may not be agreeable to involving Egypt in their struggle. Also, the Egyptian revolt is in the process of putting its act together, and conditions in Egypt today may preclude involvement in any venture such as outlined above. Perhaps the US still holds sway over developments in the region, and is blocking the consideration of certain options for action in an effort to claim credit for having saved the Libyan people by its own intervention; certainly, in the way of perpetuating US dominance in the region. Irrespective, current developments seem to me to provide an unprecedented historic opportunity for the Libyan and Egyptian people to cooperate with each other, and to assume a major role in changing the course of events in the ME, and to shake off imperial dominance of the region.