
Early in June, this site was inadvertently erased. It was partially restored but remained bungled for several weeks; apologies to those who tried to visit the site at that time. I maintained the site for over a decade, and it has attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors over the years. I also authored the four books featured on the site. My main intent has been, and remains to be, to introduce the concept of tychiformation, and to promote relevant progressive views that would hopefully affect our survival and well being. I believe that the most critical of global issues including wars, terrorism, the degradation of the environment, and poverty relate to the action of certain oligarchs and to the gullibility of conservative, nationalist, and fanatic religious factions of the world population who fall for their propaganda, disinformation, and lies. For example, the grave issues relating to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent report and statements, together with allegations that the Trump Organization received hundreds of millions of investment dollars from Russian sources in the past few years suggest that president Trump was being groomed by President Putin to become a Russian puppet; by first extending investment funds to the Trump Organization, and then by interfering with US elections in support of candidate Trump. This conspiracy theory, at least explains President Trump’s unabashed stance and statements regarding Putin and Russia since he took office. Similar serious issues regarding the President’s actions arise almost on a daily basis. The main concern, in my view, is that President Trump’s political base of about 40 million voters does not give a hoot; they continue to believe whatever he says irrespective of evidence exposing what many Americans recognize as straight out lies by the President. This is specifically the issue I am writing about today.This nerve motor centre is along the side of the neck. donssite.com buy viagra online I thought that my site and books would help in addressing this serious issue. However, more recently, I realized that the critical audiences who need to change their ways for their own as well everybody else’s benefit, are neither inclined to read, nor to visit a site that promotes progressive views. Thus, it seemed to me that I have been only preaching to the choir, and that my efforts to bring about some meaningful change may have been largely spent in vain. This realization posed a quandary that I had to face. I thought, what could I possibly do to more effectively reach the audiences that directly impact the achievement of my goals? Well, I found an answer that involves alternative approaches to reaching my target audiences, and have already taken some significant steps in this vein. I will keep you posted when my efforts bear fruit. Until then, I refer the reader to the ‘factual media’ for analysis and debate of current topical issues.

Author: Ismail Rifaat

Ismail Rifaat is an architect and urban planner with extensive international experience in architecture and city planning. He also served as planning expert on two United Nations assignments. He is the author of "Shaping the Future: For the People, By The People" and "Planning for Survival". Both titles are available on Amazon.com.